More and more issues concerning various aspects of employees’ rights and workplace regulations are entering the national consciousness. And as public debates stir legislative support and action, change is becoming a reality. The year 2014 should bring about many new laws and regulations that will affect workplaces in the state of Washington and all across the nation. But just what exactly is on the horizon?
- Paid Sick Days – Employees working within the boundaries of Seattle have already been given paid sick days. The cities of SeaTac and Tacoma are considering similar initiatives. We may also see bills with similar proposals considered on a federal level.
- Clean Slate – The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is pushing for limitations on a business’s ability to see a prospective employee’s criminal record. Seattle has already implemented a similar measure.
- Workplace Bullying – As of now, the laws that address bullying in the workplace are quite opaque. This may change as 25 states, including Washington, are considering specific anti-bullying legislation, although none have passed them.
- Worker Misclassification – Nineteen percent of companies choose to misclassify employees as independent contractors for the sake of profit. The Department of Labor and the IRS have been allotted extra funds in order to deter worker misclassification. Expect to see stricter regulations and enforcement in the near future.
- Workplace Flexibility – Companies, now more than ever, are facing high bounce rates with employees. To retain the same employees for the long-term, innovative employers are starting to implement employee-tailored programs that accommodate employees’ needs and wants. Options offered in such programs include job share, compressed work weeks, phased retirement, shift flexibility, and telecommuting, amongst many others.
Although work conditions for employees are on the verge of improving greatly, chances are good that occasional bad work environments and dishonest employers will always be around. If you are facing discrimination or harassment at your workplace, call my office today to schedule a free consultation. As an experienced discrimination attorney, I will help you properly file a lawsuit against the wrongful company and get you compensation for the troubles you have endured. Call my office today at (206) 324-8969.