My client filed a qui tam lawsuit on behalf of the U.S. government, alleging that Lucent Technologies World Services Inc. (LTWSI) violated the False Claims Act. As a former contract manager at LTWSI, my client had access to vital information regarding the false and fraudulent certificates that the telecommunications company had supplied to the U.S. Army.
In 2004, the U.S. Army hired LTWSI to develop an Advanced First Responder Network (AFRN) that would be used as an emergency response communications system for Iraqi citizens. The client alleged that LTSWI submitted false documents stating that the emergency system had successfully completed testing and was ready to send to Iraq in order to receive payment and an additional $8.5 million award for finishing the project ahead of schedule. My client also alleged that he had been wrongfully terminated for raising concerns over the company’s fraudulent conduct.
LTWSI agreed to pay a settlement of $4.2 million for violating the False Claims Act. As a whistleblower, my client also received a significant percentage of the total from the overall settlement with the U.S. government and also resolved his retaliation claims at the same time in a separate confidential agreement.